The Boy Who Didn’t Die

You know we are celebrating that some of our first students, from 2009, have started university this year!

One of those students was supposed to die. When he was a young student at our school, he was left in the house by himself one night. The family left him in bed, put a candle next to the bed, and all went out. The candle set fire to the bedclothes and Ben was badly burned over the arms and upper body.

We missed Ben at school for two days, so we went to see what had happened. We found him lying outside on the ground; because his family had no money for medication and left him out to die. We had to lift him, and take him and his mother to the hospital, where he received treatment for his burns.

When we take a child at the school, we take them holistically, looking at their home situation, and helping however is needed.

So this is Ben now, training to be a chef, and to work in hospitality. 

We love the children, because God loves them, and we are just doing what God has taught us to do.

Written By: Joyce Chimbila


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