The Vision of ALMS

Is to break the Poverty Cycle, violence and neglect amongst the poorest children and orphans in the city of Ndola, Zambia.

These children are some of the poorest and most disadvantaged children in the world. ALMs provides its students with a high quality education in addition to their Health, Spiritual and Feeding Programs. This care extends to the student’s families’ (or carers in the case of orphans).

In the years to come, these children, who had no certainty of even survival, will grow to become a powerful force for God and good. By this, they will transform their society.


The Vision of AF4K

A Future 4 Kids (AF4K) raises funds to support, enhance and expand the work of Arising Life Mission (ALMs).

We believe that education raises the poor out of poverty. So it is our aim to provide (through the work of ALMs):

  • Sponsorship of free high quality education to as many children as possible

  • Scholarships for High School, Vocational, Tertiary and Higher Education

  • Education, nutrition, support, shelter and medical care to children

  • A safe place for the children who suffer from physical, sexual and psychological abuse and/or neglect

  • Support to the single parents, grandparents/carers and families of the children in crisis
