Francis - A Tale of Holistic Care

Francis Chilufya relocated from a small rural town with his wife and two children. He moved because life was hard and hunger and poverty were the order of the day. It was hard to put food on the table with a wife and two children when he was unemployed. Francis moved to Ndola in search of employment and a better life for his family. In October 2015, he was employed by ALMs as a general worker, cleaning the surrounding areas as well as taking care of the animals - the pigs. He and his family also moved to live on site in a one bedroom house.

If you ask Francis, he will tell you with a smile that this was the beginning of a big change in the life of his family. They experienced love and care in the new environment. He said that his monthly salary also made a big difference. As an ALMs worker, he (as all ALMs workers are) was encouraged to rent a small piece of land for farming. All ALMs workers are encouraged to do so, to improve their household food supplies, become self sufficient and avoid their children to suffer from malnutrition due to a lack of nutritional food.

Since working at ALMs, Francis’ family has grown by 2, bringing the total number of children to 4.

When the new AF4K School was opened in Koloko, there was need to employ additional labour. Francis’ wife Jessica was one of the people employed as a general worker cleaning the class rooms. His two children have been enrolled in AF4K school as well in Grade 1 and Early Childhood Education. Their older son attends a Government School. This is a great achievement for their family. Francis could not pursue his education due to poverty. His parents were unable to send him to school as they could not afford it.

Francis and Jessica just like many other families whose lives have been touched by the works and support of AF4K, are extremely thankful to the sponsors and friends of AF4K who have paved a way for them to have hope and a bright, stable future. He said he was a nobody and with AF4K's support, his wife, and children can now look up to him as a providing father for which he is very humbled.

Francis would like to reassure and encourage all those who support AF4K that it is a good cause and the support is reaching its intended purpose. The support is impacting and transforming many lives like Francis and his family.


An Exceptional Mother


Letters from AF4Ks University Students